Truck Сustomizers Ignition System How to Get a Stuck Key Out of Ignition

How to Get a Stuck Key Out of Ignition

How to Get a Stuck Key Out of Ignition

Having difficulties getting your key out of the ignition? You’re not alone. It can be frustrating when you’re running errands and can’t seem to get your key back out. Fortunately, there are methods you can use that may help you get your stuck key out. Continue reading for tips on how to remove a stubborn key from an ignition switch.

Step 1: Check the Lock Cylinder

Begin by inspecting the lock cylinder on your steering column or ignition switch. If the lock cylinder is dirty or filled with debris, it could be preventing the key from turning. Clean the lock cylinder by using a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol.

Step 2: Lubricate the Ignition Lock Cylinder

If cleaning doesn’t help, you may need to lubricate the lock cylinder. Use a graphite-based lubricant, WD-40, or a silicone spray lubricant to help loosen up any dirt and debris that may be preventing your key from turning properly. Spray into the keyhole and turn your key several times until it loosens. Let it sit for approximately 5 minutes before attempting to remove it again.

How to Get a Stuck Key Out of Ignition

Step 3: Remove the Stuck Key With Pliers

If you’ve been able to partially turn your key in either direction but can’t get it out with your hands, try using a pair of needle nose pliers with rubber grips on them to carefully pull out the stuck key from its slot in the ignition switch. Be sure not to apply too much pressure as this could damage both your car and your key. Also discover how adjusting ignition timing can boost your car’s power and efficiency in our easy-to-understand guide.

Step 4: Use a Broken Key Extractor Tool

If all else fails, you can try using a broken key extractor tool. This tool is designed to help remove broken keys, as well as stuck ones. Simply insert the hook of the tool into the keyhole and twist gently until it grabs onto your stuck key. Pull firmly but carefully to remove the key from its slot in the ignition switch.


When dealing with a stuck key in an ignition switch, start by checking and cleaning out the lock cylinder before spraying it with lubricant or attempting to remove it with pliers or a broken key extractor tool. Be sure not to apply too much pressure when removing your stuck key from its slot as this could damage both your car and your key. With these steps, you can safely and effectively get a stubborn key out of an ignition switch in no time!

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